2019 Small Business Profiles for the States and Territories

The Small Business Profiles are an annual portrait of each state’s small businesses. They gather the latest federal data into state-by-state snapshots of small business health and economic activity. Limited economic data is also provided for the U.S. territories.

This year’s profiles report on state economic growth and employment. They also answer the questions:

  • How many small businesses are in my state?
  • How many jobs do they create?
  • Which industries have the most small businesses and small business jobs?
  • How many establishments opened and closed?
  • How many small businesses export, and how much?
  • Which counties have the most small business employment?

The files below contain the 50 individual state profiles, plus profiles for the United States, District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories.

Small Business Profiles, 2019
Alabama, 2019 Alaska, 2019 Arizona, 2019
Arkansas, 2019 California, 2019 Colorado, 2019
Connecticut, 2019 Delaware, 2019 District of Columbia, 2019
Florida, 2019 Georgia, 2019 Hawaii, 2019
Idaho, 2019 Illinois, 2019 Indiana, 2019
Iowa, 2019 Kansas, 2019 Kentucky, 2019
Louisiana, 2019 Maine, 2019 Maryland, 2019
Massachusetts, 2019 Michigan, 2019 Minnesota, 2019
Mississippi, 2019 Missouri, 2019 Montana, 2019
Nebraska, 2019 Nevada, 2019 New Hampshire, 2019
New Jersey, 2019 New Mexico, 2019 New York, 2019
North Carolina, 2019 North Dakota, 2019 Ohio, 2019
Oklahoma, 2019 Oregon, 2019 Pennsylvania, 2019
Rhode Island, 2019 South Carolina, 2019 South Dakota, 2019
Tennessee, 2019 Texas, 2019 Utah, 2019
Vermont, 2019 Virginia, 2019 Washington, 2019
West Virginia, 2019 Wisconsin, 2019 Wyoming, 2019
American Samoa, 2019 Guam, 2019 Northern Marianas, 2019
Puerto Rico, 2019 U.S. Virgin Islands, 2019  
United States, 2019 All Profiles, 2019