Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Issues New Guidance on Meetings on Rules Under White House Review

Under Executive Order 12866, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) conducts an interagency review on behalf of the President of many important proposed and final regulations before they are published. As part of this review, OIRA accepts meetings with the public.

These EO 12866 meetings are an opportunity for small entities to express their views and provide information directly to OIRA staff and invited policymakers. Although OIRA cannot disclose the contents of the rules it is reviewing, Advocacy believes it is important nonetheless for small entities to bring their unique perspectives, in their own voice and with their own experience and data, to policymakers.

For more information about EO 12866 and meetings with OIRA, contact Assistant Chief Counsel Dave Rostker, For other assistance, please contact the appropriate regulatory staff in the Office of Interagency Affairs (see Staff – SBA’s Office of Advocacy).