Draft TSCA Risk Evaluation for Colour Index (C.I.) Pigment Violet 29 (PV29)

On November 15, 2018, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a draft risk evaluation for an existing chemical substance, Colour Index Pigment Violet 29 (PV29), under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA). Section 6 of TSCA requires the agency to conduct risk evaluations for existing chemicals to determine whether the chemical presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment. An unreasonable risk determination moves the chemical into risk management which requires the agency to regulate the use of the chemical accordingly. PV29 is used to add or adjust color in commercial paints, coatings, plastics and rubber products. In this draft risk evaluation, EPA has concluded that based on reasonably available information, PV29 does not present an unreasonable risk of injury to human health or the environment under its conditions of use.

  • EPA is accepting comments on the draft risk evaluation by January 14, 2019.
  • Read the risk evaluation here and submit comments here.
  • For more information on PV29, visit EPA’s webpage here.
  • Advocacy contact: Tabby Waqar at (202) 205-6790.