EERE Withdraws Proposed Rule Establishing Energy Conservation Standards for Fans and Blowers
What: On January 17, 2025, the Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) published a withdrawal of a proposed rule that would have established equipment classes and energy conservation standards for fans and blowers.
The proposed rule was originally published on January 19, 2024. Specifically, the proposed rule sought to establish energy conservation standards for two categories of fans and blowers: air-circulating fans (ACFs) and fans and blowers that are not air-circulating fans, which EERE referred to as general fans and blowers (GFBs). EERE proposed standards for various equipment classes of GFBs and ACFs.
Why: According to the withdrawal, EERE received significant oral and written comments on the proposed rule and technical support documents from individuals, manufacturers, trade associations, utilities, efficiency advocacy organizations, and other stakeholders. EERE stated that some commenters opposed the rule, citing concerns about impacts on manufacturers and the analysis underlining the proposed standards; other commenters supported the proposed rule and highlighted the proposed rule’s energy savings, emission reductions, and consumer benefits.
EERE stated that while it continues to support the intent and purpose of the proposed energy conservation standards for fans and blowers, based on the considerable feedback received through the public comment process, the recent change in the Administration, and the significant resources needed to review and consider all relevant matters presented in the public comments, EERE has determined it appropriate to withdraw the proposed rule.
Action: Read the withdrawal notice.
Advocacy contact: Send an email to Shanerika Flemings at