Georgia gets Grubby at Area Roundtable Discussion

By Nick Ivory, Regional Legislative and Regulatory Manager

Small business owners grilled federal barriers to small business growth during a roundtable hosted by Samuel T. Jackson, entrepreneur and owner of multiple Grub Burger locations in the state of Georgia. This roundtable was part of the overall outreach efforts that Advocacy has been initiating for almost a year. In attendance were multiple small business entrepreneurs who operate in the greater Atlanta area.

Aside from his work in the restaurant industry, Jackson works as a consultant assisting people who are trying to start businesses of their own. He cited access to financing as a major roadblock in many instances, and stressed that the process is badly in need of streamlining. Jackson mentioned that there should be a more concerted effort between the borrower, the bank, and SBA. Advocacy has a close working relationship with the SBA on the issue of access to capital for small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs, and is working with them to further streamline that process.

James Boyd, a consultant in the restaurant business, brought up the possibility of Congress passing a $15-per-hour minimum wage, or a comparable one, and how such legislation would eventually put him out of business. He stressed that people need to understand that wages and any wage increases need to be based on experience and performance. Food industry jobs are, for the most part, he said, entry-level jobs and are not meant to be career positions, but rather stepping stones for new entrants into the workforce to grow professionally. Advocacy regularly works with Congress on behalf of small businesses in order to curb any legislation that would negatively impact the small business community.

advocacy staff with Grub Burger owners posing for a picture
Advocacy staff pose for a picture with Grub Burger staff after a successful site visit.


Advocacy was in Atlanta for Regional Regulatory Reform Roundtable and NAFTA Modernization Outreach Meetings on April 10-11th.

Can’t get to a roundtable near you? Fill out this form and tell us about your federal regulatory burdens. We will pass this information on to the appropriate agency and use it in the planning of upcoming Regional Regulatory Reform Roundtables. 

Nick Ivory is the Regional Legislative and Regulatory Manager. Ivory can be reached at