Take Your Business Global
Today, nearly 96 percent of the world’s population lives outside the U.S. Two-thirds of the world’s purchasing power is in other countries. Luz Hopewell, director of the Small Business Administration’s Office of International Trade, said “Small businesses have a great opportunity to boost sales and profits by exporting, and that will lead to more American jobs and growth.”
• the competitive edge for high-quality, innovative U.S. goods and services;
• an increase in purchasing power in foreign markets;
• reduced dependence on the domestic market; stabilized seasonal market and sales fluctuations; and
• a reduction in trade barriers.
The SBA and other government agencies provide specific export counseling and training programs; will help you identify foreign markets; and can assist with export financing and credit insurance. SBA, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Export-Import Bank are co-located in many local communities at the one-stop U.S. Export Assistance Centers.
The SBA and our partner agencies can help you take your business global. To learn more, visit their websites or dial 1-800-USA-TRADE.