Spring Is A Time For Green In More Ways Than One

            Troubled times are often the fuel of entrepreneurial spirit.  In a recent article in Entrepreneur magazine, Stimulus Package Has Green for Clean Energy, written by Glenn Croston, he notes the importance of supporting green businesses.  He quotes Byron Kennard, Executive Director of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Small Business and the Environment as saying “[w]e’re calling on small businesses to lead the recovery and do it with green jobs and clean energy innovation.”  He goes on to say that “targeting the recovery with green businesses is the most practical way to get the economy going.”


            With $80 billion for renewables and other energy projects, small business will play a major role in innovation and economic efforts to move forward.  Programs are growing at the national level, and states have now begun to form education and networking forums where small businesses can get advice on the best practices and opportunities in the new green frontier.  


— Chris Monica, Director of Regional Affairs