EPA Seeks Small Entity Representatives for SBREFA Panel on Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvement Under the Safe Drinking Water Act

EPA is now recruiting small entity representatives for a possible SBREFA panel on a rulemaking to amend the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions to further address lead in drinking water, including modifying requirements for lead service line replacements, modifying requirements for compliance tap sampling for lead and copper, and modifying the trigger and action levels for lead. A SBREFA panel would consult with small entities directly regulated by any final regulation on the possible economic impacts and regulatory alternatives to minimize those impacts.

A small entity for purposes of this rulemaking is a water system that serves a retail population of 10,000 or fewer.

  • Read EPA’s information about the upcoming rule here.
  • Read EPA’s information about SBREFA panels and how to nominate yourself as a small entity representative here.
  • For additional information, contact Assistant Chief Counsel Astrika Adams at astrika.adams@sba.gov or 202-798-7750.