A YouTube Chat with the Chief Counsel

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In case you don’t have the chance to have coffee in person with Chief Counsel for Advocacy Winslow Sargeant, a Pittsburgh business nonprofit is offering a close approximation.  In a pleasant 10-minute Youtube chat, Dr. Sargeant discusses a range of topics as part of the business interview series, “Coffee with. . .,” sponsored by Pittsburgh’s Building Bridges for Business

In the conversation, which was posted July 1, Host Rebecca Harris quizzes Dr. Sargeant about the Office of Advocacy, and one of her favorite topics, growing women and minority-owned businesses. The two also discuss what it takes for a small business to create jobs.

The YouTube series is sponsored by Building Bridges for Business, a two-year-old nonprofit organization that supports small businesses in the Western Pennsylvania region by working to achieve “community economic integration.” This interesting organization seeks to make the necessary connections to give small businesses unprecedented access to required resources through increased awareness and identification of synergies.

—Rebecca Krafft, Editor

Another one of Building Bridges’s informative social media series is the monthly Tweetchat. The purpose of Tweetchat, #smallbizpgh on www.twitter.com, is to provide access to a subject matter expert who will answer questions online for free. Upcoming on July 10 will be a conversation with Region III Advocate Ngozi Bell.

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