Small Business Environmental Roundtable – April 9

***Small Business Environmental Roundtable Meeting*** 

FRIDAY, April 9, 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

Via Microsoft Teams Meeting 

The next SBA, Office of Advocacy Environmental Roundtable will meet virtually to discuss the following topics, beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 9, 2021.  The meeting will be held using the Microsoft Teams platform.

Send your RSVP to  A meeting link will be provided to you when you RSVP. 


10:00 AM – 10:05 AM      Introductions  

Astrika Adams, Office of Advocacy, SBA 

10:05 AM – 11:05 AM      EPA’s Final 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) 

Emily Anwari Halter, Office of Water, EPA 

Alicia Denning, Office of Water, EPA 

 11:05 AM – 11:35 AM      EPA’s Final 2021 MSGP, Small Business Perspective  

Jeffrey Longsworth, Barnes & Thornburg LLP and Coordinator for the Federal StormWater Association 

11:35 AM – 12:00 PM      Discussion 

Astrika Adams, Office of Advocacy, SBA 

Roundtable meetings are open to all interested persons, with the exception of the press, in order to facilitate open and frank discussion about the impacts of Federal regulatory activities on small entities.  Agendas and presentations are available to all, including the press. Anyone who wants to receive roundtable agendas or presentations, or to be included in the distribution list, should forward such requests to The purpose of these roundtable meetings is to exchange opinions, facts, and information and to obtain the attendees’ individual views and opinions regarding small business concerns.  The meetings are not intended to achieve or communicate any consensus positions of the attendees.

Small Business Environmental Roundtable 

Issues for Discussion 

April 9, 2021 

EPA’s Final 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published its final 2021 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) under the Clean Water Act (CWA). Under the CWA, EPA is authorized to issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the discharge of any pollutant into a water of the United States from a point source. EPA is further authorized under the CWA to establish permit application requirements for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity using a phased approach. As a result of such authorization, EPA has issued the MSGP for industrial stormwater discharge at least every five years beginning in 1995. The MSGP contains provisions requiring industrial facilities to implement control measures and develop site-specific stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs) to comply with the NPDES program. 

On January 15, 2021, EPA issued the 2021 MSGP which replaces the 2015 MSGP. The 2021 MSGP has significant modifications from the 2015 MSGP, including the requirement for permittees not otherwise obligated to adhere to certain benchmark monitoring requirements to collect data on pH, TSS, and COD. In addition, the 2021 MSGP has developed modified Additional Implementation Measures (AIM) requirements to address benchmark exceedances. The 2021 MSGP will expire on February 28, 2026, and EPA is expected to issue a new MSGP before this time. 

At this roundtable, EPA will be providing an overview of the 2021 MSGP, including modifications made from the 2015 MSGP. Jeffrey Longsworth is a Partner as Barnes & Thornburg LLP as well as the Coordinator for the Federal StormWater Association, which represents the interests of several small business members. Mr. Longsworth will be providing comments on the impact of the changes in the 2021 MSGP on small businesses. Time will be available for discussion and questions directed to both EPA and Mr. Longsworth.