EPA’s Proposed Revisions to its Dust-Lead Post-Abatement Clearance Levels

On June 24, 2020, EPA published a proposal to lower its current dust-lead clearance levels (DLCL) from 40 micrograms of per square feet (ug/ft2) to 10 ug/ft2 for floors and 250 ug/ft2 to 100 ug/ft2 for window sills.  DLCL is the maximum amount of lead permitted in dust on a surface after the completion of an abatement activity. Lab analysis of surface dust collected post-abatement must be below these clearance levels. The proposed reduced DLCL levels mimic the dust-lead hazard standards (DLHS) EPA revised in 2019.  The DLHS identify dust-lead hazards while the DLCL demonstrate the permanent elimination of those dust-lead hazard levels via abatement.

Comments are due on August 24, 2020.

Read the proposal and submit comments here.

Advocacy contact: Tabby Zeb at (202) 205-6790 or email at tayyaba.zeb@sba.gov.