IRS Announces Small Business Forum to Discuss the Taxpayer First Act

On Jan. 14, 2020, from 10 to 11:30 am, the Internal Revenue Service, in partnership with the National Federation of Independent Business and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will host a small business forum to share information about the Taxpayer First Act of 2019 and to gather feedback from the small business community. Signed into law on July 1, 2019, the Taxpayer First Act broadly redesigns the IRS and expands and strengthens taxpayer rights. The Act reforms the IRS into a more taxpayer-friendly agency by requiring it to develop a comprehensive customer service strategy, modernizing the agency’s technology, and enhancing its cybersecurity. The small business forum will be held at the National Federation of Independent Business’s office, 1201 F Street N.W., Washington, DC.

  • Those wishing to RSVP to the small business forum can do so here.
  • For questions about this notice, please contact Advocacy’s Assistant Chief Counsel for Tax Policy, Charles Jeane at (202) 205-7168.