Assistant Chief Counsel Kevin Bromberg To Retire After Four Decades with Advocacy

Release No. 19-12 ADV

Washington, D.C.- After nearly 40 years with the Office of Advocacy, Assistant Chief Counsel for Environmental Policy Kevin Bromberg will retire from federal service on Jan. 3, 2020. Throughout his tenure, Bromberg reviewed federal regulations and legislation on environmental issues on behalf of small business.

Bromberg served two terms in the Office of Advocacy, from 1979 to 1991 and from 1994 to the present. Prior to rejoining Advocacy in 1994, Bromberg represented small business trade associations in regulatory matters dealing with the Environmental Protection Agency. He was counsel for the Small Business Coalition for a Responsible Toxic Release Inventory and executive director of the Industry Coalition for a Workable Clean Air Program.  Bromberg founded the first Advocacy roundtable, the Environmental Roundtable in 1990.  He is the primary author of three petitions for regulatory relief to EPA, all of which have been granted by the agency.   Bromberg has also worked for the EPA and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. He received his JD from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1976, an MS in astronomy from the University of Maryland in 1973, and a BA in physics from Cornell University in 1971.  Bromberg was instrumental in developing the procedures for implementation of the EPA panels under the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement and Fairness (SBREFA) Act and has represented Advocacy in over 30 EPA SBREFA panels. 

Reflecting on his career as a civil servant, Bromberg stated, “It has been a privilege and honor to work with the Office of Advocacy, EPA and the Office of Management and Budget over four decades to improve EPA environmental protection.  I owe a large debt to the many EPA, SBA and OMB staff who have helped me over many years, along with countless small business trade association lawyers and scientists.” In retirement, Bromberg plans to continue to contribute to environmental protection and the development of sound regulatory policy.

“Bromberg has dedicated his professional life to establishing responsible environmental policy for small businesses, and he has done so with a sense of urgency and compassion,” said Acting Chief Counsel for Advocacy Major L. Clark III. “While his colleagues in the Office of Advocacy will miss his day-to-day presence, we know that Kevin will always be nearby, voicing the case for small businesses. Job well done Kevin.”

Please join the Office of Advocacy in congratulating Kevin Bromberg on his exceptional career and wishing him best of luck in his future endeavors.

Contact Information:
Brooke Justus