Coloradans Work To Reform Healthcare Now

Providing health care coverage for employees has become increasing difficult for small business owners.  To address the issue, on December 4th the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative hosted the Colorado Voices for Coverage conference.  It was designed to bring a diverse group of stakeholders together to discuss how to move healthcare reform forward in Colorado. 

After an overview of healthcare reform across the nation and a review of a recent affordability study, the group used breakout sessions to explore the following:

1)      How to increase access to healthcare coverage for all Coloradans

2)      How to increase transparency of healthcare costs and quality

3)      How to promote improved efficiency in the healthcare system, and

4)      How to educate healthcare consumers so that they will take an active role in their own health and in the healthcare reform process.

            Anyone interested in becoming more involved in healthcare reform efforts in Colorado can learn more about Colorado Voices for Coverage at .

— Jim Henderson, Rocky Mountain Regional Advocate (Region VIII)