February 2015 Issue of The Small Business Advocate Newsletter Released

The Office of Advocacy has released the February 2015 issue of The Small Business Advocate newsletter. This edition features Advocacy’s newly released Small Business Profiles for the States and Territories, and includes the United States profile in full. In addition, the newsletter contains regulatory news and a summary of the Report on the Regulatory Flexibility Act FY 2014. The newsletter can be found on Advocacy’s website here.

In This Issue:

Economic News
Small Business Profiles Offer Valuable Insight into States’ Economies, 1
U.S. Small Business Profile, 3

Regulatory News
Comments Submitted on Proposed DoD Rule, 2
Revisions to Ozone Air Quality Standards Proposed by EPA, 2
EPA Proposes Air Emission Standards for Brick Production, 7

Advocacy News
Miriam Segal Joins Advocacy’s Economic Team, 2

New Advocacy Publications
Advocacy Releases RFA Report and Annual OER Report, 8

The Small Business Advocate, February 2015