Response Letter dated 8/25/2014 to Rep. Sam Graves re Request for Study on Occupational Licensing

August 25, 2014


The Honorable Sam Graves


Committee on Small Business

U.S. House of Representatives

2361 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515-0315

Dear Chairman Graves:

I am writing in response to your recent written request for the Office of Advocacy to conduct a study on the rise of occupational licensing across states and the economic effects of licensing on entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs.

As the federal office tasked with examining the contributions and challenges of small businesses in the U.S. economy, we are constantly working to give answers to small business questions that will allow for the best opportunity for small business growth.  For this very reason, we appreciate hearing your idea for future research. 

We look forward to reviewing potential research possibilities in the area you suggested, and we will be sure to inform your office of our progress during the research acquisition cycle. 

While I am on the subject of economic research, I wanted to make you aware of the status of our economic research budget.  Due to budget cuts, Advocacy has been forced to cut back our economic research.  The FY 2015 budget request will only support $350,000 for new economic research.  This includes funds for data acquisition, support of custom data tabulations at other agencies, specialized contract research, and related costs.  To accommodate this reduction in funding, Advocacy plans to reduce the awarding of economic research contracts in FY 2015.  However, despite our budgetary constraints, we are prioritizing our research to valuable studies that will fulfill our commitment to focus on the small business economic environment. 

Thank you for your continuous support of the SBA Office of Advocacy and small businesses across our great country.  I look forward to continuing to work with the House Small Business Committee while Advocacy accomplishes our mission as the independent voice for small business.



Winslow Sargeant

Chief Counsel

SBA Office of Advocacy