Advocacy Experts to Participate in Small Business Congress


The National Small Business Association (NSBA) is holding its annual Small Business Congress (SBC) February 12-14, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  On Thursday, February 12, Advocacy Chief Economist Dr. Chad Moutray will lead a Small Business Economic Forum and will release the 2008 edition of the Office of Advocacy’s Small Business Economy report.  This year’s report includes special chapters on small business financing, federal procurement, international trade, employee training and development, tax policy, and business creation.  The full report will be available on our website following the release.


On Friday morning, Acting Chief Counsel for Advocacy Shawne C. McGibbon and Assistant Chief Counsel Major Clark will participate in a panel on Environment & Regulatory Affairs.  Shawne will discuss what Advocacy considers to be the top regulatory issues facing small businesses, with particular emphasis on the top environmental regulatory concerns.  She will also discuss our recently published annual Report on the Regulatory Flexibility Act FY 2008 (click here to access a PDF version).  Major is Advocacy’s procurement expert and will discuss key small business procurement issues and concerns.


Stay tuned for more information following the event…