One Person Can Make A Difference In Washington

            Before he left, Chief Counsel for Advocacy Thomas M. Sullivan left behind some final thoughts for our blog:


            Federal regulatory agencies really do value small business input in the development of rules and regulations.  As Chief Counsel for Advocacy, my job was to connect small businesses with agency officials to assist the agencies in crafting small-business-friendly policies.  I remember Mr. Jody Shea of Service Electric Co. in Chattanooga, TN was on the phone with OSHA for several hours to help OSHA craft their electrical utility safety standard.  The phone call took place after Mr. Shea had spent all night filling sandbags to help his neighbors stop floodwater from ruining their businesses in Chattanooga.  My heartfelt thanks go out to Mr. Shea and others who volunteer their valuable time to help government get it right. 


— Thomas M. Sullivan, Chief Counsel for Advocacy