Writing Accessible Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are one of the most basic elements of any digital experience. Writing good link text can improve the accessibility of your emails, web pages, documents, and digital content overall. You can improve both the usability and accessibility of links by making them concise, descriptive, and meaningful by providing context. Links provided without context can be ambiguous and confusing to individuals who use screen readers.

When a hyperlink is necessary, to provide context, think of it as the link providing the user with instructions, or an action the user can take. This same principle can be applied for linking email addresses. Here are some useful tips in providing accessible hyperlinks in documents and on websites.

  • Use concise and meaningful text for your link.
  • Do not capitalize all letters in a text link.
  • Do not use the words “link”, “here”, “read more”, or “click here” as part of the link text.
  • Avoid using multiple occurrences of the same link in the content of a page, to the extent practicable.

Where possible, avoid using URLs for text links, unless the point is to share the actual URL with the reader. Screen readers will read every single character of the URL, which is time-consuming and can be a headache, especially for someone searching for specific information. Check out our quick tips!

For all accessibility and 508 compliance-related questions, email Keisha White at keisha.white@sba.gov, Visual Information & Web Manager.