Archived Conferences

The conferences below highlight the Office of Advocacy’s mission to protect, strengthen and effectively represent the nation’s small businesses within the federal government’s legislative and rule-making processes.

  • Small Business and Government: Maximizing Entrepreneurship, Driving Innovation – September 19, 2012.  The event is a day-long, participant-driven conversation about the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in our economy, co-sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy, the Northwest Entrepreneur Network, the Seattle Center Foundation and
  • Building a Better Small Business Climate: State Regulatory Flexibility Best Practices – March 28, 2007.  A dynamic conference of state officials and policymakers who are at the forefront of implementing their states’ regulatory flexibility laws. The conference, titled “Building a Better Small Business Climate: State Regulatory Flexibility Best Practices,” considered all aspects of successful state strategies: teaching agencies, reaching out to small businesses, overseeing compliance, periodically reviewing existing rules, and measuring the success of these efforts.
  • Entrepreneurship: The Foundation for Economic Renewal in the Gulf Coast Region – April 11, 2006.  conference would fill in further detail about the unusually difficult nature of this disaster for the area’s residents, including the business community. A significant element of complexity is that so many workers and customers have yet to return, and the rebuilding challenges are daunting.
  • The May issue of The Small Business Advocate – spotlights the conference, “Building a Better Small Business Climate: State Regulatory Flexibility Best Practices,” which took place on March 28 in Kansas City, Missouri.
  • Entrepreneurship: The Foundation for Economic Renewal in the Gulf Coast Region – The proceedings from the 2006 New Orleans conference include; presentation summaries, powerpoint presentations, and conference participants.
  • The RFA (Regulatory Flexibility Act) Symposium Conference Proceedings – Part 1, Part II – Proceedings from the September 2005 conference include, regulatory research, e-rulemaking, judicial review, and reducing existing regulatory burdens.
  • Global Perspectives on Entrepreneurship Policy Agenda – Summary, Part 1, Part II, Part III – Proceedings from the June conference include, summaries of presentations, powerpoint presentations, and biographies of speakers.
  • Putting It Together: The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development – Summary, Part 1, Part II, and Part III  – The conference proceedings includes summaries of presentations, biographies of speakers, powerpoint presentations, and a list of participants from the conference.
  • Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century (Videos) – A One-Day Conference Sponsored by Office of Advocacy and The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation that explored economic issues likely to affect small business. The links includes proceedings, videos, biographies of speakers, and powerpoint presentations from the conference. Part I, (Part II), (Part III).
  • National Entrepreneurial Conference & Expo – 2003 Small Business Advocacy Winners from various demographic backgrounds, and geographic areas.
  • Advocacy at 25 – Looking Back, Looking Ahead- A celebration and symposium on Advocacy’s 25-year history and future
  • Tax Policy and Small Business: New Firm Formation, Growth, and Survival – An Advocacy sponsored conference held July 2001 that covered the impact of taxes on hiring, investment, debt finance, equity finance, firm growth, and health insurance.
  • The Changing Banking Structure and Its Impact on Small Business – Conference held June 2000. Program Papers and Comments.
  • The Invisible Part of the Iceberg: Research Issues in Industrial Organization and Small Business – Conference held January 2000.
  • Vision 2000 – Conferences of several hundred state and local small business policymakers celebrating their successful programs and examining models of excellence–ideas that are working for small business across the country.
  • The 1995 White House Conference on Small Business – held in June 1995, developed an action agenda for small business–60 public policy recommendations that will further shape small business’role as the nation’s job creators, innovators, and risk takers. This slate of 60 issue recommendations is designed to help small businesses grow and prosper into the 21st century. The Office of Advocacy has four publications available concerning the White House Conference.