Chinese Delegation Learns About Small Businesses in the U.S.

By Patrick Delehanty, Economist

On October 29th, a delegation of 25 representatives from China’s National Bureau of Statistics met with Office of Advocacy Economists Victoria Williams and Patrick Delehanty, along with Office of Small Business Development Center Program Manager Nancy Gilbert and Office of Entrepreneurial Development Graduate Intern Milu Gao.

Williams and Delehanty presented to the delegation on Advocacy’s mission and role in regulatory development and small business research. Additionally, Gilbert and Gao presented on the Small Business Administration’s efforts providing small business counseling and assistance through the Small Business Development Center and the SBA Clustering project.

As statisticians and researchers, the delegation was interested in how the United States tracks small business contributions to the economy and the different ways the SBA helps small businesses. The delegation received a mix of perspectives and learned how the Office of Advocacy utilizes small business data to publish relevant research and statistics on small business-related issues.

Advocacy Economists Patrick Delehanty and Victoria Williams, center, meet with a delegation from China’s National Bureau of Statistics.
Advocacy Economists Patrick Delehanty and Victoria Williams, center, meet with a delegation from China’s National Bureau of Statistics.