June-July 2015 Issue of The Small Business Advocate Newsletter Released

The Office of Advocacy released the June-July 2015 edition of its newsletter, The Small Business Advocate. Highlighted in the newsletter is Advocacy’s new research report, The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act: A Preliminary Examination of Its Impact on Small Businesses, as well as a related issue brief, Patenting and Innovative Startups: Putting the America Invents Act in a Broader Economic Context. The lead article deals with patent reform bills pending in Congress and how they might affect small businesses.

New members of the Office of Advocacy are introduced: three economists and four interns. Links are listed to the Office of Economic Research’s new publications. Several new comment letters and regulatory alerts are explained, and Advocacy’s new website feature, 3 Reasons to Love Your Region, is introduced.

In This Edition

Legislative News
Small Businesses Concerned about Patent Reform Bills in Congress, 1

Advocacy News
Advocacy Welcomes New Economists, 2
Interns Join Advocacy for the Summer, 3

Economic News
Office of Economic Research Releases New Publications, 3

Regulatory News
Recent Regulatory Comment Letters and Alerts, 4
Advocacy Urges FCC to Preserve Small Business Choice in Communications, 7

Regional News
Online Interactive Feature Highlights “3 Reasons to Love Your Region,” 5

The June-July 2015 edition of The Small Business Advocate can be found on Advocacy’s website here.
