Jennifer Clark
Jennifer Clark, Region 10 Advocate

Jennifer Clark currently serves as the Region 10 Advocate for Advocacy, representing the Pacific Northwest states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

In her 30-year career, Clark has held positions in both the public and private sectors across multiple business functions including change management, operations, marketing, new product development, strategy, human resources, and DEI. These experiences inform her engagement with the small business community. She recently served in the same role as Regional Advocate in Region 10. She was critical in championing the Office of Advocacy’s national efforts to expand support to women, minority, and immigrant entrepreneurs, particularly in STEM sectors. She also spearheaded the national launch of Advocacy’s Innovation Initiative, a platform to engage high growth sector stakeholders in policy development targeted to accelerate growth and job creation. Most recently, she worked with the Association of Women in Science to support STEM-trained women entrepreneurs and train investors in anti-bias practices to reduce barriers to funding women-led companies.

Clark has prior experience as deputy chief operating officer for a presidential campaign and has served on a presidential transition team. Before entering the campaign arena, she co-founded a consulting firm. Earlier in her career, Clark held progressively senior positions at several Dun & Bradstreet divisions, culminating as the inaugural Director of Change Management at ACNielsen. She worked abroad for Dun & Bradstreet Limited in High Wycombe, England, and for Unilever as an Assistant Brand Manager in Stockholm, Sweden.

Clark earned her MBA from The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, with concentrations in Marketing and Finance, holds an AB in English Literature from Bryn Mawr College, and is a graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy.


Phone: 206-619-3620