CPSC Seeks Comments on Proposed Rule to Establish Safety Standard for Nursing Pillows

On September 26, 2023, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission published a proposed rule to establish a safety standard for nursing pillows. The Commission is also proposing to amend consumer registration requirements to identify nursing pillows as durable infant or toddler products and to amend the Commission’s list of notice of requirements to include nursing pillows. Among other requirements, the proposed safety standard would regulate the firmness, arm length, and curve of nursing pillows.

The Commission has prepared an initial regulatory flexibility analysis for the rulemaking outlining the costs and impacts to small businesses. The analysis shows that most nursing pillow suppliers are considered small businesses and would be impacted by this rulemaking. The Commission is requesting comments on the rule, and small businesses are encouraged to provide detailed information on the direct cost implications and whether there are any regulatory alternatives that would minimize the impact on small entities.

Written comments are due by November 27, 2023.