FCC Announces First Public Hearing for Broadband Consumer Label Rules

The Federal Communications Commission will host a series of virtual public hearings as a part of its broadband consumer labels rulemaking proceeding, as required by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.  The first hearing will take place March 11, 2022, 1:30 p.m. ET and will stream free to the public at FCC.gov/live. The hearing will also be recorded and archived on the FCC’s website.

Event attendees can submit questions in advance of or during the hearing by sending an email to BroadbandLabelsHearing@fcc.gov.   

View the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on fcc.gov.

Comments are due March 9, 2022 and reply comments are due March 24, 2022.  Further information about this proceeding and the public hearings can be found at fcc.gov/broadbandlabels.

Please contact Jamie Saloom with any small business concerns.