Small Businesses Encouraged To Comment On Commerce Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking To Secure The Information And Communications Technology And Services Supply Chain for Licensing Procedures

On January 19, 2021, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) published an interim final rulemaking on the implementation of Executive Order 13873, “Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain.” The rule would allow the Secretary of Commerce to prohibit certain information and communications technology and services transactions to address national security threats. The interim final rule became effective on March 22, 2021. Commerce sought to implement a licensing process by May 19, 2021 for any entities, including small businesses, seeking pre-approval. However, Commerce is now seeking additional public input on several aspects of a potential voluntary licensing or pre-clearance process.

Written comments on the proposed rule are due April 28, 2021.

  • Read the Federal Register and submit proposed comments here.
  • Advocacy contact: Major Clark.