Joseph M. DiStasio Appointed Small Business Advocate for Region 1

Release No. 17-03

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Joseph M. DiStasio, a Massachusetts businessman, has been appointed small business advocate for federal region 1. In this role, DiStasio will be the direct link between the region’s small business owners, state and local government agencies, state legislators, small business associations, and the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration. Federal region 1 covers the New England states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

“Joseph DiStasio is a great addition to our team,” said Major Clark III, acting chief counsel for advocacy. “Small business owners in New England have an outstanding advocate in Mr. DiStasio. His experience as a small business owner will allow him to immediately contribute to the Office of Advocacy’s role as the government office that stands between small business owners and unnecessary or overly burdensome government regulations,” he continued.

DiStasio has been a small business owner and director in the landscape management industry for over two decades. His background also includes experience as an aerospace project engineer and mechanical engineering. He currently serves in the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Civil Air Patrol in Plymouth, Mass.

DiStasio received a bachelor of liberal arts in extension studies, cum laude, from Harvard University (economics field of study, minor in business management). He received an associate in applied science, mechanical engineering, cum laude, from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston.

The Office of Advocacy’s regional advocates help identify new issues and concerns of small business owners in the nation’s 10 federal regions. They also monitor the impact of federal and state policies on small business at the local level. They work closely with local government officials, state officials and legislators, and the chief counsel for advocacy to develop programs and policies that help, rather than hinder, small business growth.

For more information, visit the Office of Advocacy website at

Emily Williams