USDA Releases Rural Prosperity Task Force Report, Continues to Accept Comments on Existing Rules

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its Agriculture and Rural Prosperity Task Force report on January 8, 2018. The findings outline legislative, regulatory, and policy issues surrounding five indicators including: E-Connectivity, Quality of Life, Rural Workforce, Technology, and Economic Development. The full report is available here.

In addition, USDA is continuing to accept comments on regulatory reform including regulations that:

  1. result in the elimination of jobs, or inhibit job creation;
  2. are outdated, unnecessary or ineffective;
  3. have costs exceeding benefits;
  4. create serious inconsistencies or interfere with regulatory reform initiatives;
  5. duplicate or conflict with another federal agency.

Comments will be reviewed in batches. The next review date is February 12, 2018, and the final review date is July 17, 2018.

Thursday, January 11, 2018