EPA Releases Draft Strategy to Protect Endangered Species from Insecticides

On July 25, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its draft Insecticide Strategy. The document identifies protections for more than 850 endangered and threatened species that the EPA will consider when registering a new insecticide or reevaluating an existing one.

The document’s purpose is to support early mitigation measures to address potential impacts on threatened or endangered species from the use of insecticides. The draft strategy focuses on conventional insecticides used in agriculture in the lower 48 states.

EPA also incorporates lessons learned from its draft herbicide strategy, released in 2023, to minimize the impacts of agricultural herbicides on listed species.

EPA is accepting comments on the document through September 23, 2024.

Advocacy contact: Send an email to Nick Goldstein at nick.goldstein@sba.gov.