Administrative Conference of the United States requests comments on Identifying and Reducing Burdens in Administrative Processes

The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) is an independent federal agency whose statutory mission is to identify ways to improve the procedures by which federal agencies protect the public interest and determine the rights, privileges, and obligations of private persons.

ACUS is undertaking a project to examine how agencies are using and might better use customer service methods to improve administrative programs and procedures. Administrative programs and procedures cover almost any time a member of the public seeks something from a federal agency. ACUS has hired a team of outside experts that will examine methods, such as public engagement and data analysis, that agencies can use to identify unnecessary burdens that members of the public face when they engage with administrative programs or participate in administrative processes. The project will also assess strategies for reducing unnecessary burdens, such as streamlining processes and digitizing services.

ACUS is requesting views, information, and data on all aspects of strategies that agencies are using or might use to identify and reduce unnecessary burdens that members of the public face when they engage with administrative programs or participate in administrative processes.

Comments are requested by 10 AM ET, April 17, 2023.

 For more information, please contact Dave Rostker, Assistant Chief Counsel, at, (202) 205-6966.