U.S. SME Access and Use of Digital Tools

In June 2021, President Joe Biden, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and European Council President Charles Michel established the U.S.-E.U. Trade and Technology Council (TTC), designed to help the U.S. and E.U. coordinate their approaches on new technologies to deepen their economic partnership. The Office of Advocacy participated in a TTC working group on promoting small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) access to and use of digital technologies.  

This report summarizes Advocacy’s findings on American SME access to and use of digital tools. The report analyzes research and data from the U.S. Census Bureau and OECD to note the benefits, characteristics, and barriers of digital technologies for SMEs. Furthermore, the report contains summaries of three Advocacy-led roundtables with SMEs in the United States, which can inform the TTC’s focus on how to increase small business uptake of digital tools that can grow their business.

Read the full U.S. SME Access and Use of Digital Tools report for more information.