DOE Seeks Comments on Reviews of Energy Conservation Standards and Test Procedures for Various Covered Products

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is requesting comments and information on reviews of several current energy conservation standards, test procedures, and notices of data availability for the products listed below. In conducting these reviews, the agency seeks to determine whether to amend efficiency standards and/or test procedures, and whether it is technologically feasible and economically justifiable to do so. The agency is also evaluating the impact on small entities, and the public is invited to submit specific small business considerations. The following standards are open for comment:

Miscellaneous Gas Products

DOE has tentatively determined that coverage of miscellaneous gas products is necessary and appropriate to carry out the requirements of the Environmental Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA). If designated as a covered product, the Secretary of Energy may prescribe test procedures to measure the energy efficiency and use of these products and may establish energy conservation standards for the products. Read more about the notice of proposed determination and submit written public comments.  Written comments are due by April 8, 2023.

Oil, Electric, and Weatherized Gas Consumer Furnaces

DOE announced the availability of preliminary analysis conducted for the purposes of determining the need for amended energy conservation standards for non-weatherized oil-fired furnaces, mobile home oil-fired furnaces, weatherized gas furnaces, weatherized oil-fired furnaces, and electric furnaces. DOE will hold a public webinar to discuss and receive comment on the preliminary analysis. Read more about the notice and submit written public comments. Written comments are due by January 30, 2023.

Distribution Transformers

DOE is proposing to amend energy conservation standards for distribution transformers. DOE acknowledges that there may be significant economic impacts and other hardships for small businesses in complying with provisions of the rulemaking and redesigning their products. DOE will host a virtual public meeting on February 16, 2023 to discuss the proposed rule.  Read more about the proposed rule, public meeting, and submit written public comments. Written comments are due by March 13, 2023.  

Categorical Exclusions

DOE is reopening the comment period on a request for information to help inform updates to categorial exclusions in its regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). DOE is seeking recommendations for establishing new exclusions as well as updates to existing ones. Read more about the request for information and submit written public comments. Written comments are now due by February 13, 2023.  

General Service Lamps

DOE is proposing to amend energy conservation standards for general service lamps. The agency will hold a public webinar on February 1, 2023, to gather comments and feedback from interested parties. Read more about the proposed rule and submit written public comments. Written comments are due by March 27, 2023.

Uninterruptible Power Supplies

DOE is proposing to amend energy conservation test procedure for uninterruptible power supplies. The agency will hold a public webinar on February 2, 2023 to gather comments and feedback from interested parties. Read more about the proposed rule and submit written public comments. Written comments are due by March 6, 2023.

New Federal Buildings and Major Renovations of Federal Buildings

DOE issued a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking regarding its proposal to establish energy performance standards for new Federal buildings. The supplemental notice responds to comments received in the prior notice, and presents a revised standard that requires a reduction in on-site use of fossil fuels. Read more about the supplemental proposed rule and submit written public comments. Written comments are due by February 21, 2023.

Central Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps

DOE is requesting information on whether to amend energy conservation test procedures for central air conditioners and heat pumps. DOE seeks data and information regarding whether amended procedures would result in increased efficiency. Commenters are encouraged to submit data and relevant information to inform a potential rulemaking by the agency. Read more about the notice and submit written public comments. Written comments are due by February 23, 2023.

Advocacy contact: Send an email to Prianka Sharma at or call her at (202) 205-6938.