AMS Seeks Comments on Inert Ingredients in Pesticides Used for Organic Production

On September 2, 2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking to seek input from the public on how to update regulations concerning inert ingredients found in pesticides used for organic production. AMS seeks to rectify references to outdated Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policies on inert ingredients because they are inconsistent with current EPA requirements. AMS has offered five potential regulatory actions it may take to address these and other concerns. These options include:

(1) Allowing inert ingredients permitted by EPA in minimum risk pesticides.

(2) Allowing specific inert ingredients permitted by EPA.

(3) Replacing EPA List-3 with EPA allowed inert ingredients of semiochemical dispensers.

(4) Listing inert ingredients individually on the national list.

(5) Taking no action.

AMS seeks comments on these options, as well as other questions outlined in the notice.

Written comments on the notice are due by November 1, 2022.