EPA seeks representatives of small businesses that manufacture, use, or are exposed to Chrysotile Asbestos for SBREFA panel

EPA has found unreasonable risks to workers, occupational non-users, consumers, and bystanders from most of the conditions of use reviewed for chrysotile asbestos, which is contained in products that are imported such as sheet gaskets, brake blocks, aftermarket automotive brakes/linings, other vehicle friction products, and other gaskets. Chrysotile asbestos is also imported for use exclusively by the chlor-alkali industry.

EPA is now seeking small businesses and their representatives to serve as Small Entity Representatives for a SBREFA panel in anticipation of this rulemaking to address these unreasonable risks. To nominate small businesses and/or their representatives to participate in the SBREFA panel, visit the EPA SBREFA website for information and instructions here. EPA requests nominations by February 25, 2021. 

  • Contact Assistant Chief Counsel Assistant Chief Counsel Tabby Zeb (tayyaba.zeb@sba.gov), 202-205-6790, to report your nominations or for additional information.