Small Business Labor Safety (OSHA/MSHA) Roundtable

Small Business Labor Safety (OSHA/MSHA) Roundtable

Friday, January 29, 2021

10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Via Teams Webinar


  1. Welcome and Introduction of Small Business Representatives (10:00 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.)

Bruce Lundegren, Assistant Chief Counsel, SBA Office of Advocacy

  1. An Overview of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (10:05 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.)

Bruce Lundegren, Assistant Chief Counsel, SBA Office of Advocacy

  1. Open Discussion/Other Small Business Issues (11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
  2. White House Regulatory Freeze Memorandum and OMB Guidance
  3. Congressional Review Act
  4. OSHA/MSHA Revised Penalties
  5. COVID-19 Enforcement
  6. COVID-19 Guidance
  7. Injury and Illness Electronic Reporting Deadline
  8. Other Issues
  1. Adjourn (11:30 a.m.)

** The next Small Business Labor Safety (OSHA/MSHA) Roundtable is tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 19, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon.  A business casual dress option is observed.

*** Roundtable meetings are open to all interested persons, except the press, in order to facilitate an open and frank discussion about issues of interest to small business.  Agendas and presentations are available to all, including the press.  Anyone who would like to receive roundtable agendas or presentations, or be included in the regular distribution, should contact  The purpose of these roundtable meetings is to exchange opinions, facts, and information and to obtain the attendees’ individual views and opinions regarding regulatory and policy issues affecting small business.  The meetings are not intended to communicate or achieve any consensus positions of the attendees.

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Topics Summary

  1. An Overview of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act.  Executive Order 13272, Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking, was issued by the President on August 13, 2002.  Among its provisions, the Order requires the Office of Advocacy to train federal agencies on how to comply with the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA).  The Office of Advocacy has been conducting this RFA training for almost two decades and has trained nearly every federal agency, many of them multiple times. The full training takes three hours, but Advocacy also provides expedited overviews to trade associations and other small business representatives to be sure they understand the law and how to utilize it effectively in the federal rulemaking process.  Bruce Lundegren, the Office of Advocacy’s lead trainer for this RFA training, will provide an overview of the training that federal agencies receive, and also discuss how the RFA interacts with the Administrative Procedure Act and Executive Order 12866 on the regulatory review process.  Bruce will also outline the SBREFA panel process that OSHA and two other federal agencies are required to follow.
  1. Open Discussion/Other Small Business Issues.  A general discussion and open forum to discuss other current events and regulatory topics of specific interest to small business, including items on OSHA and MSHA’s Regulatory Agendas, draft proposed and final rules pending review at OMB, and other pending policy and regulatory actions.