EPA seeks representatives of small businesses that manufacture, use, or are exposed to Perchloroethylene (PCE) and n-Methypyrrolidone (NMP) for SBREFA panel

EPA has found unreasonable risks to workers, occupational non-users, consumers, and bystanders from 59 conditions of use of Perchloroethylene (PCE), which is used as a solvent for cleaning and degreasing, and in lubricants, adhesives, and sealants and in a limited number of consumer products like adhesives for arts and crafts and stainless steel polish.

n-Methypyrrolidone (NMP) is a solvent that is used widely in the manufacture and production of electronics, petrochemical products, polymers and other specialty chemicals. It has numerous industrial, commercial, and consumer applications. For NMP, EPA determined it presented unreasonable risks to workers and consumers from 26 conditions of use. EPA found no unreasonable risks to the environment, general population, bystanders, or occupational non-users.

EPA is now seeking small businesses and their representatives to serve as Small Entity Representatives for a SBREFA panel in anticipation of this rulemaking to address these unreasonable risks. To nominate small businesses and/or their representatives to participate in the SBREFA panel, visit the EPA SBREFA website for information and instructions.

EPA requests nominations by January 19, 2021.  An Advocacy roundtable to discuss the PCE risk evaluation is scheduled for January 15. We expect to discuss NMP in early February.