Small Business Lending In The United States, 2017

Office of Advocacy, January 2020

Small business lending from bank lenders remained positive in 2017, but a slower pace than the previous year.  The research report by the Office of Advocacy examines FDIC data to find that small banks devoted larger shares of their assets to small business loans, while large banks issued a higher total volume of small business loans. The report covers all small business loans (commercial loans of $1 million or less) and is not specific to SBA-guaranteed loans. It contains detailed appendix tables with information on small business loans outstanding and loan originations for all reporting banks by state. These tables also provide state rankings of bank lenders by small business lending ratios.  Read Small Business Lending in the United States, 2017 to learn more.

Full Report

Research Summary

Appendix Data Description

Appendix Tables PDF Format

Appendix Tables Excel Format