August 2014 Issue of The Small Business Advocate Released

The Office of Advocacy released the August 2014 edition of The Small Business Advocate. The newsletter features Chief Counsel for Advocacy Winslow Sargeant’s recent trip to Oklahoma, where he met with small business representatives. In addition, the newsletter highlights Advocacy staff news and regulatory news.

In This Issue

Regional News:

  • Advocacy Leaders Learn About Oklahoma’s Small Business Landscape, 1

Staff News:

  • Christine Kymn Appointed Chief Economist and Director, Office of Economic Research, 2
  • Tayyaba Waqar Joins Advocacy as Assistant Chief Counsel, 2

Message from the Chief Counsel:

  • Leaving Advocacy in the New Year, 3

Regulatory News:

  • EPA, Corps Rules Would Redefine Scope of Waters Subject to the Clean Water Act, 3
  • FDA Rule Concerns Sanitary Transport of Food, 4
  • FWS Rule Would List Snakes as “Injurious,” 4
  • DOJ Proposes Rule Requiring Captioning for Movie Theaters, 4
  • CFPB Proposes to Amend Regulation C, 4

The full issue of the newsletter can be found on Advocacy’s website here.
