Advocacy Visits Elkridge Electronics Recycler
On March 27, Chief Counsel Winslow Sargeant, Region III Advocate Ngozi Bell, and Special Assistant Erik Gulbrandsen paid a site visit to a small business pioneer in electronics recycling, E-Structors, in Elkridge, Maryland.

There’s some info on the visit on the E-Structors website:
“While at the facility Dr. Sargeant and 2 other representatives from the SBA sat down with E-Structors, Inc. CEO and Co-Founder Julie Keough and President and Co-Founder Mike Keough. They discussed the business’ history, the challenges that they had overcome in the past, and the things that are impacting their business now. The conversation reflected greatly upon the journey that the co-founders and company have had to make it to where they are today.”
You’ll find more about the trip on the E-Structors site.