Take Your Business Global

 Many small businesses think they aren’t large enough to compete in the world marketplace. In fact, 97 percent of all exporters are small businesses. To grow your business, you need to think outside the box and outside the borders.

Today, nearly 96 percent of the world’s population lives outside the U.S. Two-thirds of the world’s purchasing power is in other countries. Luz Hopewell, director of the Small Business Administration’s Office of International Trade, said “Small businesses have a great opportunity to boost sales and profits by exporting, and that will lead to more American jobs and growth.”

The advantages of exporting include
•  the competitive edge for high-quality, innovative U.S. goods and services;
•  an increase in purchasing power in foreign markets;
•  reduced dependence on the domestic market; stabilized seasonal market and sales fluctuations; and
•  a reduction in trade barriers.

The SBA and other government agencies provide specific export counseling and training programs; will help you identify foreign markets; and can  assist with export financing and credit insurance. SBA, the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Export-Import Bank are co-located in many local communities at the one-stop U.S. Export Assistance Centers.

The SBA and our partner agencies can help you take your business global. To learn more, visit their websites or dial 1-800-USA-TRADE.

SBA 2004 Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Exporter of the Year--Amy Frey, president, ATC International, Silver Spring, Md.
SBA 2004 Washington, DC Metropolitan Area Exporter of the Year–Amy Frey, president, ATC International, Silver Spring, Md.