New Research Contracting Opportunity

Additional Research Contracting Opportunity

The Office of Advocacy’s mission includes providing research documenting the status of small businesses and the impact of important trends on them.  Section 105 of Public Law 110-385 requires the Office of Advocacy to conduct a study to evaluate the impact of broadband speed and price on small businesses.  The study must also include the following:

(a) a survey of broadband speeds available to small businesses;

(b) a survey of the cost of broadband speeds available to small businesses;

(c) a survey of the type of broadband technology used by small businesses; and

(d) any policy recommendations that may improve small businesses’ access to comparable broadband services at comparable rates in all regions of the Nation.

The Office of Advocacy seeks a contractor to conduct this study, and Advocacy will attempt to assist the contractor in obtaining access to non-proprietary Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and other agency data, should such assistance be needed.

The deadline for submitting proposals is MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time.

The proposal solicitation and synopsis is listed in FedBizOpps (  (If this link is not active, go to and search for Small Business Administration listings, solicitation number SBA-HQ-09-0013.)  This research opportunity is a small business set-aside.

See the attached performance work statement on FedBizOpps for more information.  It is important that all respondents follow the instructions provided for submitting proposals.  Please note that regular mail to government offices in Washington, D.C., experiences significant delays.  Other methods, such as overnight and certified mail, are preferred and are more timely.

For ideas of previously funded research by the Office of Advocacy, see

Note that the Office of Advocacy also has other research opportunities available, and will be accepting proposals for them through FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time.  For more information on these opportunities, see