California Conference on Small Business on Deck This Month

Later this month, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will host the Governor’s Conference on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.  The two-day conference will provide small business advocates and entrepreneurs the opportunity to share their ideas and recommendations for stimulating California’s economy by assisting the over 3.5 million small businesses in the state. 

Over 300 participants are expected to attend and craft policy recommendations for the state’s leaders on issues such as regulatory reform, taxation, healthcare, and entrepreneurial encouragement.

The conference was created to mirror the success of the 1995 White House Conference on Small Business, which drafted several policy recommendations that aimed to assist small businesses. Many of those recommendations have been adopted through legislation and federal regulations.

Region IX Advocate Mike Hull will represent the Office of Advocacy at the event.

For more information on the conference, please see

—Kate Reichert, Regulatory and Legislative Counsel