Spotlighting Labor Day 2024

The eighteenth century was the dawn of machines and factory workers. While manufacturing led to more jobs, industrialists tried exploiting cheap labor, and laborers responded by organizing. These efforts led to the formation of the labor movement, which opposed unfair wages and sought to reduce long work hours and stop child labor. Peter J. McGuire, who is considered by many the man behind the idea of a day to recognize laborers, was an American labor leader. On June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed into law that the first Monday in September would be Labor Day. To honor and recognize the American labor force, please see the information below. 

  • Small businesses pay 39% of all private sector payroll. 
  • There are 34,752,434 small businesses in the United States. 
  • Small businesses employ 45.9% of American workers, or about 59 million people. 

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