Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business, 2024

Advocacy’s most popular publication, Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business, gathers the most up-to-date statistics about American small businesses in one place.

Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business is a convenient place to find facts about the state of the small business economy, including the following:

  • 99.9% of businesses are small.
  • There are 34,752,434 small businesses in the United States.
  • Small businesses employ 45.9% of American workers, or about 59 million people.
  • Small businesses are 43.5% of GDP.
  • Small businesses pay 39% of all private sector payroll.
  • 26.5% of federal contracting dollars went to small businesses in FY 2022.

Now available for download – Frequently Asked Questions About Small Business, July 2024 (PDF, 1.31 MB).