New Report Helps Explain Differences in Latino Business Ownership and Income

A new report prepared for the Office of Advocacy by Professor Robert Fairlie, “Latino Business Ownership: Contributions and Barriers for U.S. Born and Immigrant Latino Entrepreneurs,” evaluates the differences in Latino self-employment rates and business income, comparing immigrant and U.S.-born Latino men and women with non-minorities.

Roughly 600,000 business owners are U.S.-born Latinos, with an additional 1.2 million immigrant Latino business owners. Combined, the study shows Latino business owners generating $62.5 billion in business income. However, Latino business owners on average report less business income, and U.S-born Latinos have a smaller self-employment rate. The report’s analysis shows the relative importance of key demographics, like age, education and personal wealth, on these differences.

A research summary is also available.